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 The Preston Bend Reunion Association Board members and officers met on August 16, 2015, at President Jessica Adams’ home this summer in lieu of our normal June meeting that was rained out. 

The following Board members, officers and others attended:  Jessica Adams, President; Steve Lindsey, Vice President; Marvelle Hudson, Treasurer; Teresa Manning, Secretary, Benton Helm, Gladys Helm, Virginia Thompson, Fred Hudson, Dustin Helm and James Hudson.

The meeting was called to order and last years’ minutes were read by Teresa Manning and approved by the majority.


We have had the following deaths this year:  George R. Lange, Larry Don Carender, Brian Donnelly Adams, Jr., Tammy Medart, Eloise (Davis) Cook, Joyce (Davis) Satzer, Dennis Gordon Friday; Charlie West; Mason Halley, Joan (Worbes) Mullins-Wilson; Ray Merrill Hall and Sherry Ann Phillips.

The treasurers report was read by Marvelle Hudson and approved by the majority.  Included in her report was $2,000.00 from the Mason Halley family and $500.00 from the Fisher family.  These totals were deposited into our savings account. Also noted was a check from Ollie Mayfield in the amount of $40.00- deposited in our checking account on 7/3/2105.


Expenses for tree work this year was $5,200.00  by Don’s tree service.  A total of eleven trees were cut and removed.  This tree work was long overdue- limbs from the trees were starting to fall and damage gravesites/stones.  The back fence and west gate were damaged during removal of trees and are in need of repair.


Virginia (Lindsey) Thompson has completed our plat map.  A total of 673  images were taken at the cemetery of the  gravesites/tombstones and then were added to the website “”  In addition she has labeled and numbered 624 plots on a map to correspond with a list of deceased. (Also included were future plots designated by markers and/or tombstones.)

A motion was made by Teresa Manning and approved by the majority to reimburse Virginia Thompson the $150.00 for website and information services she needed to complete our map and historical information.  In addition, Virginia was elected by the majority to be our “Webmaster/Historian” in charge of setting up our website and collecting any/all information/pictures that she could for our association. Dustin Helm has been designated to open a Face Book page for PBCA

Our $100,000.00  goal has not been achieved yet. We are presently at $78,000 plus.  A property deeded to us in Oklahoma has still not garnered any revenue and due to the descendants’ rights to the property until they pass on—chances are slim that we will profit from the sale of said land.

Steve Lindsey made a motion to have the dirt removal fee of graves be raised to $100.00.  Removal at this time is $50.00(Cedarlawn and Sherman West Hill cemeteries charge $150.00.) A vote was taken and unanimously approved to raise the fee.  Marvelle will follow up and inform the funeral homes.


New business of the association that was discussed was cemetery upkeep.  It takes two trips per month, and at least two days each time to clean up the cemetery.  It was noted that upkeep was needed more often and rates raised from $3,000.00 per year to $4,000.00.  This is to be paid quarterly in advance to the groundskeeper in order for them to have monies to purchase needed expenses; i.e. gas, blades, etc.  Steve Lindsey made a motion to increase this and a vote was taken and the majority ruled in favor to raise to $4,000.00

At present time our electricity is still off and not connected.  A generator was suggested in lieu of electricity since we primarily use electricity for mikes and occasional fans.  Virginia Thompson volunteered to bring a generator which will save the association from connect, disconnect and electric charges with each reunion. 

Marvelle Hudson reiterated to the group that she will be retiring soon.  She strongly suggested someone to start learning her position as treasurer since her position requires more details and is more involved all throughout the year than any other.  Teresa Manning made a motion to elect Steve Lindsey, our current Vice President, to this position when Marvelle vacates it.  A vote was taken and unanimously approved.  It was also suggested that Dustin Helm step into the Vice Presidents’ position when Steve vacates.  All were in agreement and this was unanimously approved.

The meeting was then adjourned.

Teresa Manning - Secretary

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