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June 2010


PRESTON CEMETERY ASSOCIATION - Minutes from Meeting     June 20, 2010   

The Preston Cemetery Association met on Sunday, June 20, 2010.  There were approximately 59 people in attendance.  

The meeting was called to order by President Jessica Adams.  At that time she thanked everyone who had been maintaining gravesites of family and loved ones, and said the cemetery was looking better because of it.  She thanked Fred and Marvelle Hudson for painting the gate, cleaning up the pavilion, the grounds, and the bathroom building which was “trashed” during the year.  Also recognized was Mrs. Cavanaugh, VFW auxiliary member, for placing American flags throughout the cemetery and musicians, James and Lois Riggs, Cecil and mother, Betty Ruth Jones.

 To date, nothing has been submitted by Roberta Aynes’ son on the website, but Virginia (Lindsey) Thompson has been working on a family tree/website for us.  This family tree is on the web at  Virginia mentioned that anyone who wants to view the site can simply pull it up and click on the place to contact Virginia.  She will then “okay you” to view details of the entire site. Or you can email her at . Any and all information we can collect from everyone to add or update the site WILL BE APPRECIATED!!  We want to add ALL families and CAN!  This website can also be renamed as the PRESTON CEMETERY WEBSITE to become OUR website.  It is still under “construction” by Virginia and she is the only one who is authorized to add/change data.  This ensures that the information is thoroughly validated before it gets added/changed.  This is our FUTURE everyone!  Less and less people attend each year and our older members are passing on.  So get “connected” and we will STAY connected.

Jessica also made mention of the need for a Plot/Plat Map and asked if we had any volunteers.  No one has volunteered at this time, but this is something we need to have taken care of as soon as possible.

Suggestion cards were made available and Jessica reiterated our financial goal of $100,000.00.

Secretary, Teresa Manning, read last years’ minutes; they were approved as read.

Treasurer, Marvelle Hudson read the treasurer’s report; it was approved as read.

Marvelle Hudson reported:  

Trust Fund (Checking Account-Operation expenses)

        Beginning Balance   $3,633.33

                                                   2,925.00 Cemetery Maint.

                                                             -    42.73 Paint (gate)

                                             +      95.00   Reunion Fund Collected (’09)

                                             +      35.00   Joann Stroble

                                             +    150.00   Dirt Removal (3 burials-Robert Stratton dirt fee waived)

        Current Balance            $945.60

Permanent Fund (Money Market)   

          Beginning Balance $5,855.77

                                            +   241.00 Permanent Fund Collected (’09)

                                            +   244.00 Raffle Collected (’09)

                                            + Contributions fromPhillip Holland and Joan Wilson/ plus interest

          Current Balance   $7,635.31  (NOTE – will use this fund to keep up cemetery if shortage)

CD BALANCE AS OF 9-16-09= $70,772.72 

CD WAS RENEWED & MATURES 1-16-2011 (yields 1.86%) 

Only one membership was purchased – Jimmy & Paula Montgomery.

The following members passed away this year: Paula Marie Montgomery, Myrtle Spencer, Wanitha Terrell, Calvin Vibbard, John Tarver, Mizell Riva Gibson, Billie Faye (Jones) Wells, Harold W. Wilson, Robert Gordon Kirkpatrick Jr. and Robert Lee Stratton.  As you may recall Robert was our treasurer for several years.

We have the following raffle winners thanks to Jessica Adams and Marvelle Hudson for raffle gifts:  Kim Carr, Chele Faber, Lois Riggs, Landon Lindsey, Betty Ruth Jones, Fred Hudson, Jonell Helm, Cynthia Thomas, Dave Mollenhour, Lynn Giddings, Halley Helm, Harry Steel and Megan Carr.

The following people won gift certificates at Wal-Mart:  Most children present:  Kevin Milks (3), Farthest traveled: Cecil and Betty Ruth Jones (Lockney, TX); Oldest male: Harry Steel (99); Youngest child: Jasper Helm (11 mos); Oldest female: Betty Ruth Jones (86) and our “Paper Plate” award went to Lynn Lindsey for her delicious banana pudding!

Money Collected today was:  Reunion Fund:  $159.00; Permanent Fund:  $60.00; Raffle Tickets:  $126.00 and Trust Fund; $253.00.

The meeting was then adjourned.

Teresa (Lindsey) Manning/Secretary

Jessica (Hudson) Adams/President

Stephen Lindsey/Vice President

Marvelle (Mullins) Hudson/Treasurer


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