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Preston Bend Cemetery Association June 16, 2013


The Preston Bend Cemetery Association me on Fathers Day, June 16, 2013 for their 57th annual reunion. There were approximately 58 people in attendance.

The meeting was called to order by President Jessica Adams. Last years minutes were read by secretary Teresa Manning. The treasurer report was read by Marvelle Hudson and approved by the majority.

A special thank you to steve Lindsey for supplying chairs again this year. Steve saves the association approximately $40 to $50 a year in chair rentals. We would also like to thank Jerry and Diane Hinton who are responsible for all the flags placed on the gravesites on Memorial Day in honor of our veterans.

We had the following deaths during the year:  Billy Vyer, George Ward, Weldon Scroggins, Jack Corrinder, Charles Thomas, Billy Jack Green, sonya Bush, Bonnie Dottie, Terry C. Nichols, Glen Pearson, William Pilkerton Jr, J.M. Jones, and Richard Allen Taylor.

A special Thank you went to Benton Helm and Dustin Helm for repairing the fence this year. We appreciate you!


The Paper Plate award went to Marvelle Hudson for her delicious apple dumpling dessert.

Raffle Winners were: Virginia Thompson, Gladys Helm, Bailey Watson, Daniel Helm, Teresa Manning, Hailey Helm, and Jonell Helm.  A total of over $600 was collected on the raffle.

It was mentioned that Harry Steele, our oldest member at 102, could not attend. He is now in an Assisted Living home in Denison. He is and always will be a treasured member of our association.

This year the Oldest man award went to Benton Helm “79”, Oldest Woman award went to Betty Ruth Jones, “89”, Youngest child award, 1 week old, Hensley Grace James, Farthest traveled, Cecil Jones and Most Children present – Karen Direckson.


 A motion was made and accepted that all collections and donations for Preston including the Raffle, Trust fund and Permanent Fund monies would be consolidated this year so that our treasurer, Marvelle Hudson, could better allocate monies to the specific needs of our association.  At this time there are six trees that need to be cut down and removed. This would be one item that she would take care of. The Annual Report for the year further clarifies expenses).

We would like to recognize one of our members for her outstanding achievement this year of becoming Pioneer Woman of the Year. Betty Ruth Jones, who not only provides our music each year, also has a rich history dedication and service to her family and community, and has been for over 75 years! To this day she is still providing her graciousness and music to the community and her friends.  Preston Bend would not be the same without her! Congratulations, Betty Ruth!


Teresa Manning – Secretary  



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