Preston Bend Cemetery
Preston Bend Cemetery Association Board and Officer Meeting
The Preston Bend Cemetery Association held a Board and Officer meeting on January 16, 2024, at the home of Benton and Gladys Helm. Board members in attendance were Jessica Adams, Stanley Thomas, Steve Lindsey, Virginia Thompson, Clifford Helm, Morgan Helm, Jordan North, Brent Eubank, Dustin Helm and Travis Helm
The meeting was called to order at 1:37 by President, Jessica Adams.
Steve Lindsey opened with a word of Prayer.
The minutes from the Board meeting on September 9, 2023 were sent previously for review and a motion was made by Dustin Helm to approve the minutes, seconded by Jordan North. The minutes were approved.
The Treasurer Report was presented by Virginia Thompson, Treasurer. Virginia was thanked for her hard work in mailing donation letters in November. Donations to date totaled $3,125. Virginia reported that there have been 5 burials and 1 reserved plot since our last meeting. Stanley Thomas made a motion to approve the financial report, seconded by Brent Eubank. The Treasurer Report was approved.
Virginia Thompson had no media updates. Brent Eubank suggested sharing the PBCA Facebook page with local history Facebook groups such as “I Love Denison & Its History.” Virginia agreed to explore this idea.
Old and Ongoing Business:
Maintenance/Preservation- Jessica reported that MM Landscaping is doing a wonderful job with keeping up with regular maintenance as well as picking up limbs and debris during the slow season. Leaf clean up is underway and they are beginning dirt work to fill areas around newer graves where the dirt has settled. Jessica has been in contact with Roger McWilliams and reported that monument repair has been on hold until more favorable weather conditions. Repairs to the monuments with the greatest need will be repaired with the $1,000 previously approved.
Virginia Thompson spoke about the concern of unmarked graves. Our grave digging contractors believe there are unmarked graves in the cemetery, specifically in a large open area that many are wishing to be buried in. After much discussion, including costly new technologies, Stanley Thomas agreed to research methods for detecting human remains. Dustin Helm made a motion to proceed with caution and allow burials over unmarked graves, seconded by Brent Eubank. Approved.
Main Gate Sign- Travis, Clifford and Brent will be working on straightening the main gate sign before our next meeting.
Liability Insurance- No Report by Stanley Thomas
Historical Monument Marker- Jessica brought up a concern that the Historical Monument issued by the Texas Historical Commission is hidden behind overgrowth and trees in the far corner of the cemetery. The board agreed that the sign should be in an obvious location such as near the main gate. Benton Helm made a comment that the Historical Commission agreed to move the sign many years ago, but the board did not proceed with the steps needed to make the move. Stanley agreed to reach out to the Historical Commission to see if the sign could be moved.
Security- Stanley Thomas made a motion to purchase combination locks for the two main drive through gates on the north and west side of the cemetery. The board approved a maximum of $50 toward the purchase.
Updating Rule of Operations
Board members were tasked with reviewing the rules of operations. Jessica led the group through the Rules of Operations as suggestions were made. Suggestions outlined below:
III. Nonprofit Status
As PBCA is an unincorporated association not operated for profit, the Cemetery shall be operated on a non-profit basis. Any funds paid to PBCA as membership fees, assessments, other payments or donations of any kind shall be retained and used by PBCA for the care, maintenance and enlargement of the Cemetery, as the Board deem necessary. Such funds shall not be paid or distributed to any Board member, officer or employee of PBCA under any circumstances.
VII. Membership
For purposes of these Rules, the membership of PBCA shall consist of the following four groups of persons:
1) Former residents of the original town of Preston Bend, Texas any time before its destruction and their spouse/descendants who have, individually, contributed a minimum of $1,000 per to reserve a single burial space.
2) Former and current residents on the peninsula to the north of an east-west line running through the elevated water tower on the old John Campbell property and their spouse/descendants who have, individually, paid $1,000 PBCA non refundable membership fee and contributed $1,000 reservation fee per single burial space.
3) Any other Other persons not meeting the requirements for group 1 or 2 who are interested in becoming a member of the PBCA may apply in writing, pay a $1,500 nonrefundable membership fee and contribute $1,500 reservation fee per single burial space. Spouses and descendants are not included in this specific membership. The Board shall have full and final authority to accept or deny such specific membership applications.
3)Other persons interested in becoming a member of the PBCA may apply in writing, pay a $500 membership fee and contribute $500 per single burial space. Spouses and descendants are not included in this specific membership. The Board shall have full and final authority to accept or deny such specific membership applications.
4)Other persons interested in burying a friend/family member in the Cemetery may apply in writing for membership of the deceased, pay a $500 membership fee and contribute $500 per single burial space. The Board shall have full and final authority to accept or deny such specific membership applications.
In addition to the membership fee and/or contributions, all members are required to pay a dirt removal fee per single burial in the Cemetery.
Clifford Helm made a motion to accept the changes as were suggested by the board and eliminate group 4, seconded by Brent Eubank. All approved.
New Business
Raffle- Morgan Helm presented the idea of a raffle fundraiser. Jordan North agreed to researching rules regarding nonprofits and fundraising and report at the next meeting.
Annual Meeting Date- Jessica brought up feedback that some would like to change the date of the annual meeting. After some discussion, a motion was made by Dustin Helm to keep the date the same. This was seconded by Brent Eubank. Approved.
Grants- No Report
Stanley Thomas made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Jordan North.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:30
The next meeting is set for May 18, 2024 at 10AM
Morgan Helm/Secretary