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Meeting Minutes June 2011


June 19, 2011

The Preston Cemetery Association met on Sunday, June 19, 2011 for the 55th annual reunion. There were approximately 57 people in attendance.

The meeting was called to order by President Jessica Adams. At this time she reiterated that  suggestions could be made to her personally, via website or by filling out the suggestion forms provided at our meetings.

A special thank you to our Vice President, Steve Lindsey, for providing chairs for this years meeting, saving the association $50.00!

WE NOW HAVE A WEBSITE!!  Virginia (Lindsey) Thompson has built a website for all to view!  It will contain minutes from previous meetings, updates, history, pictures, and more.  IMPORTANT new feature will be a CONTACT FORM.  A Contact Form is located on the website—just fill it out and your comments, questions, suggestions, etc. will be forwarded to the correct recipient.  

The following people were awarded prizes:  Oldest man- Harry Steel “100”  Oldest Woman- Betty Ruth Jones “87”  Youngest Child- Joshua Mollenhour “5 wks”  Most Children Present- Marvelle Hudson “8”  Farthest Traveled- Johnny and Hope Thomas from Las Vegas, Nevada.

The minutes were read by secretary Teresa Manning and approved.

The treasurer report was read  by Marvelle Hudson and approved. It is as follows:

Trust Fund (operational acct. to maintain cemetery)  $1,573.60 which included one dirt fee ($100.00), $253.00 in contributions, and $100.00 to Marvelle to PARTIALLY refund her for expenses incurred with treasurer duties, (gas, stamps, copies etc.)  Expenses for the year for mowing/maintenance was $3,350.00.  Our Money Market account is at $5,382.38 with the highest interest rate this year of only .50%.  Only $15.77 was added interest for the entire year.  Our CD which we have had a goal of building to $100,000 is at a balance of $72,537.43 (renewable May 2012) and at 1.05% with accumulated interest of $1,324.00 for the year.  We have had only one burial fee this year for Douglas Randolph.


Also mentioned in the treasurer report was a deed of property located in Kingston Oklahoma that was donated to Preston Association by Alice Stroman.  However, there is a stipulation that it not be transferred while a living person is occupying it.  At this time there is someone living on the property so this property will not be available to us for several, if not many years.


There have been 17 deaths this year:  Douglas Randolph, Jack Taylor, Shirley D. Tabor, Doris “Dot” Davis, Patsy Haliburton, Stardust  (Mullins), Myrtle Mary (Worbes) Driggars. Mac W. Gallagher, Margaret Hudnell, Ann Eubank Hudnell, Inez (Helm) Austin, Bessie Lee Willyerd, William Butch Short, George Lee, Joyce Kelly, Marie Mullins and Georgia Lynn Lindsey.


At this time Jessica reiterated that a plot/plat map needs to be attained of the cemetery.  To date Marvelle has issued “quadrants” to better identify where plots are attainable to members/purchasers.  East quadrant for east side of cemetery, East to Main Rd, Main Rd to Corner of fence and West side of cemetery.  This has been a continuing goal of the association and needs to be addressed for further/future growth and clarity. 

Marvelle Hudson reported that we are currently paying the mower/maintenance man $400.00 each time for his services.  She stated that we could not find a better mower/maintenance person for the price we are paying.  The board will meet to discuss this before next years’ meeting.

Benton Helm has expressed his desire to remove his name from the bank account.  Since two signatures are required, Clifford Helm was appointed to replace Benton and sign on the account with Marvelle Hudson.  

Raffle winners were:  Marvelle Hudson, Beth Helm, Virginia Milks, Joanie Johnson, Morgan Helm, Landon Lindsey, Betty Ruth Jones, Cynthia Thomas, Jana Thomas and Jessica Adams.  

Our Paper Plate Award this year went to Gladys Helm for her wonderful cake!

Collected today:  Raffle Tickets- $225.00; Trust Fund- $345.00; Reunion Fund- $158.00 and Permanent Fund- $1,138.00.  Proceeds from the Raffle tickets will be added to the Reunion fund to cover expenses.

A letter of thanks and a donation of $50.00 was sent by Joan (Worbes) Mullins Wilson for all that the members have done to keep up the cemetery and association.

This year Stanley Thomas, Travis Helm, Landon Lindsey, and Lance Lindsey volunteered to come in the fall to take care of leaves/limbs and cleanup of the cemetery.  

Marvelle also mentioned that all who have family In the cemetery need to check and make sure spaces are marked properly.  Some markers have been moved/removed and we need to check whenever possible to keep our cemetery accurate.


The meeting was then adjourned.


Teresa (Lindsey) Manning/Secretary

Jessica (Hudson) Adams/President

Stephen Lindsey/Vice President

Marvelle (Mullins) Hudson/Treasurer



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