Preston Bend Cemetery
The Preston Bend Cemetery Association met at Preston Bend Cemetery on Sunday, Fathers’ Day, June 18th. There were approximately 50 people in attendance.
The meeting was called to order by President Jessica Adams. Secretary Teresa Manning read the minutes and Marvelle Hudson gave our financial report. A motion was made and seconded with a unanimous vote to accept both reports.
Minutes are posted on our website, www.http//
Financial reports are available to members upon request.
Appreciation Announcements:
Everyone attending, of course!
Cecil Jones, Betty Ruth Jones and Lois Riggs for providing music.
Brian Adams for removing the dilapidated tables from the pavilion.
Steve Lindsey and grandson, Taylor, Clifford Helm and all others who helped by bringing and/or setting up tables and chairs.
Jerry Smith and the Confederate Preservation Group for working in the cemetery and donating the American flag located at the east end of the cemetery.
Old Business:
Three out of four previous goals have been met:
Cemetery map – Thank you, Virginia Lindsey Thompson and Teresa Lindsey Manning, for your diligence in completing this!
PBCA website and Facebook page - Another special thank you goes out to Virginia Lindsey Thompson for not only creating and updating our website, but for paying the majority out of pocket expenses herself. Thank you, Dustin Helm for setting up our Facebook page.
Adopt-a-grave/memory stone – Please continue to care for personally selected graves. It does make a difference in the appearance of the cemetery.
$100,000 – Needed to sustain the cemetery.
In an attempt to meet financial goal #4, webmaster, Virginia Lindsey Thompson, suggested letters be sent during the year to all Preston Bend Cemetery Association members and family with the opportunity to pledge or donate. Cynthia Lindsey Thomas volunteered to generate and send these letters.
New Business:
A motion was made and seconded with a unanimous vote to elect Stanley Thomas as a board member. There were no other nominations.
A motion was made and seconded to change the time of the annual meeting to 11:00 AM. After some discussion, a vote was taken with the majority voting to keep the meeting time as scheduled; 10:00 AM on Father’s Day, Junie 17, 2018.
Marvelle Hudson displayed obituaries and read the names of those who were associated and/or buried in the cemetery since last year’s meeting.
Raffle Winners:
Jasper Helm, Cecil Jones, David Mollenhour, Teresa Manning, Jonell Helm, Hallie Helm, Fred Hudson, Gladys Helm and Kati Harris. A special thank you to Marvelle Hudson and Jessica Adams for generously providing all the prizes/gifts each year! We appreciate you!
Special Recognition/Gift Certificates:
Oldest Man- Benton Helm (83); Oldest Woman- Betty Ruth Jones (93); Youngest Child- Emeryson Watson (<1 year); Most Children present- Dustin and Andrea Helm (3 and 1 on the way); and Farthest Traveled- Cecil and Toza Jones from Lubbock, Tx.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Teresa Manning/Secretary