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Preston Bend Cemetery Association

June 17, 2012


The Preston Bend Cemetery Association met on Father’s Day, June 17, 2012 for the 56th Annual reunion.  There were approximately 68 people in attendance.

The meeting was called to order by President Jessica Adams. Last year’s minutes were read by Secretary Teresa Manning.  The Treasurer report was read by Marvelle Hudson.

We had the following deaths during the year:  Patrick Hughes, Charlie Monroe and Jack Rawlins, all buried at Preston.  Also listed were David Milks and Larry Terrell.

The association would like to thank Fred Hudson, James Hudson, Benton Helm, Clifford Helm, and Dustin Helm for cleanup on Friday. We would also like to thank Steve Lindsey for supplying chairs for yet another year. The chairs are donated by Steve’s church, and any responsible organization in the community is welcome to borrow them.

Five gift cards were given out to the following people: Oldest man – Harry Steel “101”, Oldest woman – Katherine Shires “88” Youngest child – Benton David Helm “6 weeks”, Most Children Present – Kevin Milks and the Farthest Traveled – Cecil Jones.

Raffle tickets were sold and $427.00 was collected! The following people were winners: Talynne O’Neal, Jessica Adams, Timothy Thomas, Morgan Helm, Teresa Manning, Jonell Helm, Ryan Ellerd, Travis Helm, Donna Jones Gladys Helm, Virginia Thompson and Tom Johnson.

It was noted that the cemetery is in need of fence repair on the southeast corner due to limbs falling during a storm.  Dustin Helm has volunteered to do the repairs. Thank you Dustin! Also, Jessica Adams mentioned that everyone needs to keep his/her area clear of leaves, limbs, and debris on each plot.

Jessica mentioned that the Board members will meet this year at some time in order to discuss further pressing issues that the cemetery faces.

The following amounts were tallied for Preston:

Permanent fund  $156                             Reunion Fund    $80

Trust Fund            $140                              Raffle                   $427

Due to a number of storms in the area, drought conditions have devastated so many trees and general cost increases for maintaining our cemetery, we are needing ANY and ALL donations.  Currently we do have a website for all who cannot attend, or wish to remain anonymous, or just simple want the convenience of online contributions. That website is Contact form is located at the bottom of the page.

The paper plate award went to Cecil Jones for his delicious BBQ!

The meeting was then adjourned.


Teresa Manning - Secretary


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