Preston Bend Cemetery
Preston Bend Cemetery Association Board and Officer Meeting
The Preston Bend Cemetery Association held a Board and Officer meeting on September 9, 2023, at the home of Benton and Gladys Helm. Board members in attendance were Jessica Adams, Stanley Thomas, Steve Lindsey, Virginia Thompson, Clifford Helm, Morgan Helm, Marvelle Hudson, Jordan North, Brent Eubank and Travis Helm
The meeting was called to order at 10:15 by President, Jessica Adams.
Jessica Adams opened with a word of Prayer.
The minutes from the Board meeting on May 20, 2023 were sent previously for review and a motion was made by Virginia Thompson to approve the minutes, seconded by Clifford Helm. The minutes were approved.
The Treasurer Report was presented by Virginia Thompson, Treasurer. Virginia prepared a comparison of expenses from 2021, 2022 and 2023. Virginia explained major expenses this year including fence repair, flag pole, benches and monument repair. Stanley Thomas made a motion to approve the financial report, seconded by Steve Lindsey. The Treasurer Report was approved and reimbursements were made for all pending expenses.
The media report was given by Virginia Thompson. She spoke about details regarding Facebook interactions and email reads and the lack of response despite her efforts. Virginia recommended sending a mailout in the fall in addition to our reunion mail out, in hopes of drawing more awareness, interest, and donations. After sharing ideas about what might be included in a mail out, Clifford Helm made a motion to approve costs related to fall mail outs, seconded by Steve Lindsey. Approved.
Old and Ongoing Business:
Jessica welcomed new attendees Brent Eubank and Travis Helm. Both have been nominated to fill positions available due to our vote to enlarge the board at the previous meeting.
FROM 5/20/23 BOARD MEETING MINUTES “Clifford Helm made a motion to enlarge the board to a maximum of 10 members and minimum of 5 members. Seconded by Steve Lindsey. Motion was approved.” Approved 5-20-23
Brent Eubank spoke about his desire to see the cemetery cared for. There was no opposition to Brent joining the Board. Jessica appointed Brent to the Board.
Travis Helm said he was happy to serve on the board due to his family connection to the cemetery. There was no opposition to Travis joining the board. Jessica appointed Travis to the board.
Jessica and Virginia presented before and after photos of the monument repair work done by Roger McWilliams. Mr. McWilliams began his work at the end closest to the lake and moved inward. The board was very pleased to see the results and will contact him annually on or around a scheduled workday in the fall.
Discussion and suggestions were made regarding the creation of a yearly budget. The following was created, all costs based on the board’s approval.
Monument repair
Incidental fees
TOTAL not to exceed $10,000
Clifford Helm made a motion to set the recommended budget, seconded by Travis Helm. The budget was approved.
Stanley Thomas gave information regarding historical information being added to the website/social media. He shared a survey and how it compared to the cemetery boundaries included in PBCA’s Affidavit of Use and Possession. He also reported that there are no new updates on obtaining Liability Insurance.
Virginia inquired about purchasing benches on behalf of family members. Clifford made a motion to charge interested parties $950 per bench, seconded by Jordan North. Jessica purchased replacement bench slate for the “Stroman bench” to add Mr. Stroman’s name. Jessica is being reimbursed for the cost.
Stanley Thomas presented a quote for materials to have a new gate constructed with volunteer labor and material costing around $1,500. Travis Helm and Brent Eubank volunteered to attempt to repair the existing gate in place of constructing a new gate.
Rules of Operation were discussed and considerations for amendments were tabled until the next meeting. Board members will review the Rules of Operation further and made make suggestions for amendments at our next meeting.
Steve Lindsey made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Clifford Helm.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:12
The next meeting is set for January 6, 2023 at 10AM.
Morgan Helm/Secretary