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Preston Bend Cemetery Association Board Meeting


The Preston Bend Cemetery Association held a Board meeting on October 15, 2022  at the home of Clifford and JoNell Helm. Those in attendance were Jessica Adams, Steven Lindsey, Stanley Thomas, Virginia Thompson, Morgan Helm, Clifford Helm, Dustin Helm, Marvelle Hudson and Benton Helm.

The meeting was called to order at 10:15 by President, Jessica Adams.

Jessica Adams opened with a word of Prayer.

The minutes from the Board meeting on July 2,2022 were read by Morgan Helm, Secretary. Jessica Adams noted an amendment to be made to the minutes. The minutes were amended to add: Benton Helm, son of Travis and Morgan Helm, will represent Boy Scout Troop 605, from Denison, to present the Colors at next year’s annual meeting along with other scouts, if available. The minutes were approved.

The Treasurer Report was read by Marvelle Hudson, Treasurer. Marvelle confirmed all bank accounts that PBCA has ownership of and their balances. Actions have been taken since our previous board meeting to add/remove all bank signers as noted in the previous board minutes. All were in favor to accept the report. Accepted.

There was discussion on the need to checking interest rates for CD’s and for research to be done on making investments with the funds in the savings account. Steve Lindsey and Stanley Thomas both offered to research this for the association. A motion was made by Benton Helm for them to do this. Seconded by Dustin Helm. All Approved.

Old Business:


Friday, October 21, 2022 Lori Carender will walk the fence line conduct a needs assessment, prioritize and plan to begin working on the fence soon with the $1,000 allowance. Stanley agreed to walk the grounds with her at this time.


Jessica presented photos and ideas for benches that could be placed under the pavilion. Ideas were presented for people to purchase bricks or metal plaques. Stanley suggested purchasing two 4 foot benches, one bench in memory of The Stroman Family, for their families generous donation to the cemetery. The other bench would have memorial plaques that could be added to bench for a donation toward the cost of the bench. All approved the ordering of the two benches.

Mowing, Maintenance and Dirt/Brush Piles-

The mowing and maintenance bids were examined again as well as references from other cemetery associations. A motions was made by Virgina Thompson to start a new contract with MM Mowing on January 1. Seconded by Stanley Thomas. All Approved.



Stanley met with Robert Hempkins of Hempkins Insurance to discuss taking out liability insurance. Stanley presented the required documentation needed and agreed to explore and research this topic in more depth. He will update the board with more information on this matter.

Physical and Financial Growth-

Jessica discussed the importance of fundraising to assure long-term security of funds. Ideas for fund raising were explored including: a fishing tournament, Loy Lake Park Historical event, Hay Ride or Community Dinner at the cemetery.

New Business:


Jessica discussed feedback from other cemeteries on Facebook usage and the importance of publicity. The board discussed ways to inform the public about PBCA.


Meeting was adjourned at 12:20

The next board meeting is set for January 21,2023.


Morgan Helm/Secretary

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