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Preston Bend Cemetery Association Meeting 2021



The Preston Bend Cemetery Association held its annual meeting for the 65th year at Preston Bend Cemetery on Sunday, Fathers’ Day, June 20th. There were 45 people in attendance.


The meeting was called to order at 10:40am by President, Jessica Adams. Jessica acknowledged and thanked families in attendance for the first time including the Toth family and Keatts family. Jessica noted we missed our yearly gathering last year due to Covid and we are happy to safely be back together this year. Also noting that in the past 65 years there have only been a few years we were unable to gather. The meeting was opened with a word of

prayer by Fred Hudson.


Minutes from our last meeting were read by the secretary, Morgan Helm. The 2019 minutes were approved.


The financial report was given by the treasurer, Marvelle Hudson. During the financial report Marvelle presented the 2006 report as a comparison to the 2021 report to show the progress that has been made toward becoming more financially set. This improvement has been made by donations and the interest built up in CD’s in the past. She noted that in recent years not much money has been made on interest due to the low rates.

Marvelle along with Board member, Stanley Thomas, visited the bank last month to discuss the financial situations of the association. A question was asked as to which bank the association used and she responded, First United Bank. Many in attendance thanked Marvelle for her hard work throughout the year. Marvelle explained that the maturing CD’s were reinvested in new CD’s.  A savings account, drawing a minimum amount of interest, is maintained for the purpose of making transfers to the checking account used for reoccurring maintenance expenses of the cemetery, and/or to add to CD’s as they mature, and reinvested for varying periods of time. The financial report was approved.


Benton Helm resigned himself as a bank signer and made a motion for the appointment of Stanley Thomas as his replacement. The motion was approved. It was also noted that board members are permitted to work alongside the treasurer to carry out bank business of the association.


Old Business:

-Fence Repair: We have not been successful in finding someone to repair chain link fence. We are still looking someone to repair a spot where someone ran into the fence. Someone has worked on repairs before, but we are unaware of who.

-New mowing contractor, Island Mowing.

-Trey Mollenhour has been filling in and will be reimbursed for his work.

- Virginia Thompson and Cynthia Thomas were thanked for their hard work mailing Reunion announcement cards.

- Virginia Thompson thanked for continuing to update FaceBook, our website, emails, and the Plot map of the cemetery.


There was no New Business to discuss.


Marvelle Hudson respectfully displayed obituaries and read the names of those who were associated and/or buried in the cemetery since the 2019 meeting. Sharon Elizabeth Keatts, Le Lange, William Edwin Millett, Charlie Sisemore, William Paul Thompson, John Grady Eubank, Ruth Vernelle Foster, James Earl Mollenhour. Marvelle compiled a list of burials since 2014 including birthdate-date of death.


Door Prize Winners: Connor Helm, Benton Helm, Virginia Thompson, Bruce Keatts, Trey Mollenhour and Teresa Manning.

Special Recognition/Gift Certificates:

Oldest Man- Benton Helm (85); Oldest Woman- Betty Ruth Jones (97); Youngest Child

Molly Helm (23 months); Most Children present- Dustin and Andrea Helm (4); and Farthest

Traveled- Cecil Jones, Lubbock, Texas.


The meeting was then adjourned.

A blessing for our lunch was led by Vice President, Steve Lindsey.

We finished with lunch and fellowship following the meeting.


Morgan Helm/ Secretary

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