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Preston Bend Cemetery Association Meeting 2018


The Preston Bend Cemetery Association held its 62nd meeting at Preston Bend Cemetery on Sunday, Fathers’ Day, June 17th.  There were approximately 43 people in attendance.

The meeting was called to order at 11:15 by President, Jessica Adams.  Jessica welcomed the smaller crowd and acknowledged that secretary, Teresa Manning was not present due to another special family event. Jessica read the 2017 minutes. JoNell Helm made a motion seconded by Cecil Jones to accept the minutes as read.  Motion carried.

A question came from Linda Watson asking, “Was the meeting to begin at 10:00?” Jessica responded, “Yes.” Members voted to change the meeting time to 10:00 at the 2016 meeting to beat the heat and spend more time with their immediate families celebrating Fathers’ Day. We will try again next year.

Treasurer, Marvelle Hudson read the financial report. Due to an unexpected family illness, Marvelle did not print out the financial report for each member but will make it available if requested.  Motion was made by Cecil Jones and seconded by Clifford Helm to accept the financial report.  Motion carried.

Old Business:

Continuing Goals:

  1. $100,000 goal is within reach, but hindered by low interest rates.

The PBCA board and officers will meet with Cynthia Thomas, who has volunteered to send letters to Preston Bend Cemetery Association members and family with the opportunity to pledge or donate to help reach this goal.


  1. Maintain webpage by Virginia Thompson, who is also collecting family history and contact information from members of PBCA.


  1. Maintain the cemetery.  Adopt a Memory Stone and care for specific gravesites of loved ones. 


  1. Tree and debris clean-up.  Mending the fence.


New Business:


  1. Teresa Manning, secretary, resigned from her position. Nominees for secretary were Morgan Helm and Jonell Helm (declined).  Morgan Helm was elected to fill the office of secretary by a unanimous vote.

  2. Jessica Adams suggested to return in the fall or winter to clean up limbs after discussions on the current state of the cemetery.  Members of the Terrell family brought up the idea of high school service groups. Jessica will investigate that possibility and encouraged more ideas to improve on our cemetery.


  1. Travis Helm asked if members would consider paying for a porta potty with a sink/sanitation station. After some discussion, it was suggested by Jessica Adams to bring hand sanitizer, paper towels and/or wipes to be used rather than paying the extra expense. Suggestion accepted by acclamation.


Photos were on display of the memorial held in December by the Sons and Daughters of Confederate Veterans at the Sophie Porter gravesite. We are grateful for their commitment to maintain that specific area of the cemetery.


Photos of headstones corresponding with cemetery plat drawing, created by Virginia Thompson and Teresa Manning, were displayed and can be found online at New gravesites are documented by location and description as acquired.


Marvelle Hudson displayed obituaries and read the names of those who were associated and/or buried in the cemetery since last year’s meeting. This year’s deaths: John Maxwell, Bonnie Mullins, James Alfred Clement, Doris Juanita Hibbitt, and Charles Lindsey.



Raffle Winners:

Talynne Dirickson

Benton Helm

Gladys Helm

Cythina Thomas

Cecil Jones

Reed Broughton

Halle Helm


Special Recognition/Gift Certificates:

Oldest Man- Charlie Sizemore(85);  Oldest Woman- Betty Ruth Jones (94); Youngest Child- Fletcher Helm (8 months); Most Children present- Dustin and Andrea Helm (4); and Farthest Traveled- Cecil and Toza Jones from Lubbock, Tx.


The meeting was then adjourned.

A blessing for our lunch was led by Vice President, Steve Lindsey. An offering was collected followed by lunch and fellowship.


Morgan Helm/ Secretary

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