Preston Bend Cemetery
Preston Bend Cemetery Association Board Meeting
The Preston Bend Cemetery Association held a Board meeting on July 2, 2022 at the home of Benton and Gladys Helm. Those in attendance were Jessica Adams, Steven Lindsey, Stanley Thomas, Virginia Thompson, Morgan Helm, Clifford Helm, Dustin Helm and Marvelle Hudson.
The meeting was called to order at 10:24 by President, Jessica Adams.
Benton Helm opened with a word of Prayer.
The minutes from the Association meeting on June 19,2022 were read by Morgan Helm, Secretary. Stanley Thomas made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Virginia Thompson. All approved.
The Treasurer Report from the Association Meeting was read by Marvelle Hudson, Treasurer. Total donations from the reunion including donations received via mail totaled $1,857. All were in favor to accept the report. Accepted.
Necessary Items of Business:
The board went into discussion regarding the individuals authorized by First United Bank to sign on matters regarding banking.
Certificate of Deposit-remove: Benton Helm
add : Stanley Thomas & Virginia Thompson
Savings Account remove :Steve Lindsey
add: Stanley Thomas & Virginia Thompson
Checking Account remove: Steve Lindsey
add:Virginia Thompson
Clifford Helm made a motion to remove and add names as discussed, seconded by Dustin Helm. The matter was approved.
Jessica Adams has been in contact with Lori Carender, family of PBC, who is willing to look at making necessary fence repairs. Ideas for concealing the dirt pile used for covering graves was explored, with hopes of barricading or moving the piles in the future. Virginia Thompson made a motion to have Lori look at the job and fix what she can with a budget of $1,000. This was seconded by Clifford Helm. All agreed.
The board deemed it unnecessary for members to have a key to the cemetery since the west gate provides easy access into the cemetery.
AMENDED TO ADD: Benton Helm, son of Travis and Morgan Helm, will represent Boy Scout Troop 605, from Denison, to present the Colors at the next years annual meeting along with other scouts, if available.
The topic of a memorial being placed at the cemetery was discussed. Virginia Thompson and Clifford Helm agreed to do research on a stone monument, while Jessica Adams and Stanley Thomas will explore benches.
After more discussion on the topic of scattering ashes on the cemetery property, Stanley Thomas made a motion to remain a “bury only’ cemetery. Dustin Helm seconded, All agreed.
The formal bid submitted by MM Landscaping was reviewed. The board compared our current mowing costs/services with the new bid. Stanley Thomas made a motion to table the topic while references from MM Landscaping were checked, seconded by Steve Lindsey.
Dustin Helm shared ideas and suggestions for physical and financial growth of the Association meeting in the futures. Suggestions that were discussed including, a cook-out style meal, bounce house/children’s activities, change of the date. This topic was tabled until the next board meeting.
Virginia Thompson showed interest in the position of treasurer, replacing Marvelle Hudson, in due time. Virginia will be meeting with Marvelle before our next meeting to discuss this position to see if she would be a good fit.
Stanley Thomas suggested in the future we investigate cost increases for plots and burial fees to keep up with rising costs.
Steve Lindsey made a motion for Stanley Thomas to research a protection insurance policy to cover board and officers of PBCA in the event of any possible legality issues. Seconded by Dustin Helm.
The next board meeting was set for October 15, 2022.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:42.
Morgan Helm/Secretary