Preston Bend Cemetery
The Preston Bend Cemetery Association met at Preston Bend Cemetery on Sunday, Father’s Day, June 19th, 2016. There were approximately 47 people in attendance.
The meeting was called to order by President Jessica Adams. She informed everyone of PBCA’s transition into technology, stating that the minutes from today’s meeting will be accessible from our new website- Cards with our website and contact information was handed out to all who attended.
Jessica recognized and thanked the following:
Virginia Thompson, webmaster and historian for creating and maintaining PBCA’s informational website. She is also compiling a list of members’ email addresses.
Virginia Thompson and Teresa Manning for their diligent dedication in accurately platting the cemetery and photographing every headstone/marker.
Fred and James Hudson for maintaining the cemetery grounds.
Marvelle Hudson for her continued dedication as active member and treasurer.
Dustin Helm for creating and maintaining PBCA’s Facebook page and maintaining the fence.
Last years’ minutes were read by the secretary, Teresa Manning, and the financial report was given by treasurer, Marvelle Hudson. Both were approved as read. Marvelle reiterated that this will be her last year as Treasurer. As of our previous meeting, Steve Lindsey was nominated and approved to fill this position. He is to “shadow” Marvelle and learn about the position this year.
New Members: Don & Margerit Thomas, Horace & Linda Wilkinson and Rosemary Dunkerton.
Deaths: Jim Burger Sr., Derriek Dunkerton, Calvin Fulenchek, Janette (Paine) Hamel, Louise (Swink) Jones and Dalton McDonald.
Raffle Winners: Steve Lindsey, Hallie Helm, Andrea Helm, Brandon Watson, (Little) Benton Helm and Talent Derickson.
We had winners for Prestons' oldest man; Benton Helm, age 82; the oldest women; Betty Ruth Jones, age 92; youngest child in attendance; Gatlin Helm and farthest traveled; Jessica Lingle.
Old Business:
Continued financial goal of $100,000 with intentional giving (monthly, biannually, annually)
Continue ‘Adopt a Memory Stone’
New Business:
Steve Lindsey, our Vice President has been taking care of electric service for the past few years (making sure it gets turned on and off because we have had issues in the past with TXU leaving it on and charging us OR forgetting to turn it on). He said that it is currently off. However, before it was turned off, TXU had turned Steve’s personal electricity off by mistake and charged him $120+, which he graciously paid. A motion was made, seconded and voted upon to reimburse Steve $120.
A motion was made, seconded and voted upon to accept the use of a generator in the future as our needs are small. Virginia Thompson will provide us with the generator.
Stanley Thomas made a motion to add both the minutes and financial report to the website. The motion was seconded and passed with a unanimous vote.
A motion was made to change our meeting time to 10:00AM – 12:30. After some discussion, the motion was seconded and voted upon. The majority approved the motion. Next year, 2017, the PBCA business meeting will start at 10:00AM followed by brunch, fellowship and music. This idea was first suggested in 2009 to avoid the heat and humidity, which are challenging-- even to the youngest child, and to allow Father’s Day to be celebrated away from the cemetery among individual families.
It was also discussed that someone could prepare to bring a devotional for next year’s meeting.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Teresa Manning/Secretary