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Preston Bend Cemetery Association Board Meeting


The Preston Bend Cemetery Association held a Board meeting on March 25,2023  at the home of Bryan and Jessica Adams. Those in attendance were Jessica Adams, Stanley Thomas, Virginia Thompson, Morgan Helm, Dustin Helm, and Marvelle Hudson.

The meeting was called to order at 10:28 by President, Jessica Adams.

Jessica Adams opened with a word of Prayer.

The minutes from the Board meeting on October 15,2022 were read by Morgan Helm, Secretary. Motion was made by Stanley Thomas to approve the minutes, seconded by Dustin Helm. The minutes were approved.

The Treasurer Report was presented by Marvelle Hudson, Treasurer. Marvelle presented a customer profile that she received on a recent visit to First United Bank. Stanley Thomas made a motion to approve the financial report, seconded by Dustin Helm. The Treasurer Report was approved.

Old Business:

Marvelle presented current interest rates for various time periods for CD’s. There was a lengthy conversation regarding the best use of the PBCA funds and suggestions for investment options. Dustin Helm made a motion to move $10,000 from the Permanent Fund (Business Savings) and move it (along with the $90,286.45-minus fees) to a newly created CD with a higher interest rate. Also, paying a penalty to cancel our existing CD in order to create a new CD with a higher interest rate with a balance of roughly $100,000. Stanley seconded this motion. The motion was approved.

Jessica has been in communication with the company about ordering memorial benches. Jessica has secured the best price available and will be ordering two benches from this company. A discussion about memorial bricks resulted in a consensus that we are not interested in adding memorial bricks at the cemetery.

Stanley continues to stay in contact with Robert Hempkins from Hempkins Insurance regarding liability insurance.

There has been no fencing work done by from Lori Carender. Stanley Thomas agreed to help find a fence repair company. Fence maintained is a priority to help safety secured the cemetery.

Conversations continued about ways to broaden our fundraising efforts. Discussion is still on going about possible community dinners or sports tournament in order raise money for the Association.

New Business:

There was discussion over broadening our reach on the board and adding more members. Jessica is to look over the by-laws and we will continue this conversation at the next board meeting.

Jessica and Marvelle have been in contact with a gentleman who has knowledge and experience working on old headstones. Marvelle has identified four headstones that need major repair.

Stanley attended a presentation from The Texas State Historical Commission regarding Cemetery Preservation in the fall. He gave a brief overview and relayed the importance of safe maintenance to old headstones.

Dustin Helm made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Stanley Thomas.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:20

The next board meeting is set for May 20, 2023 at 10:00 at the home of Virginia Thompson.


Morgan Helm/Secretary

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