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Minutes from Preston Cemetery Association

June 15, 2014
The Preston Cemetery Association met on Fathers' Day, June 15th, 2014 for their 58th Annual Reunion.  There were approximately 50 people in attendance.
The meeting was called to order by Jessica Adams, President.  Last years' minutes were read by Secretary Teresa Manning.  The treasurer report was read by Marvelle Hudson and approved by the majority.
We had the following nine deaths this year:  Hazel Thomas, James A Sartor, Harry Steel, James A Riggs, Charlie K Cato, Edna Morris, Elsie Strobel, Shirley May Green and Grace May Eddinger
Gifts were presented to Oldest Man: Benton Helm, Oldest Woman: Betty Ruth Jones, Youngest Child: Jasper Helm, Farthest traveled; Minyoung Kim; and most children present: Gladys and Benton Helm.
During the meeting it was reiterated to the members that two requirements had to be met in order to bury loved ones or buy plots in Preston Cemetery.   First, you had to have family already buried here or second, you have to be living on the Preston Peninsula.
It was also noted and discussed that approximately $3000.00 was needed per year for general upkeep at the cemetery.  Ideally the association would like to see at least $100,000.00 in our permanent fund in order to cover the costs of yearly upkeep for future generations.  But we are not there yet.
A plat map has been started of the cemetery.  Virginia Thompson, (with a little help from her sister, Teresa Manning) has discovered a website called  Pictures have been taken of all of the gravestones at Preston Cemetery and uploaded to this website for anyone to access.  The project is still in the works, but when complete should aid us tremendously in knowing who and where everyone is buried and what plots are available for purchase.
This year we had no electricity due to a defective meter.  The meter is our responsibility and at this time we are looking for an electrician (member) who may be able to help us with this problem.
Jessica made mention that we will need someone to start familiarizing themselves with the treasurers' duties.  Marvelle Hudson has done a terrific job thus far-- but needs a much deserved break!  This position on the board requires more time, effort and responsibility than any other position on the board.  So people..... Step up!
The meeting was then adjourned.


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