Preston Bend Cemetery
Preston Bend Cemetery Association Meeting 2023
The Preston Bend Cemetery Association held its 67th meeting at Preston Bend Cemetery on Sunday, Fathers’ Day, June 18th. There were 40 people in attendance, all were pleased with the mild temperatures and gentle breeze.
Music was provided by Betty Ruth Jones, Cecil Jones and Lois Riggs.
The meeting was called to order at 10:45 by President, Jessica Adams.
The Pledge to the United States Flag was led by Benton Helm, Boy Scout from Troop 605.
An opening prayer was led by Jessica Adams. She thanked those in attendance for coming.
Last years’ minutes were read by the secretary, Morgan Helm.
A motion was made to approve the minutes by Dustin Helm and seconded by JoNell Helm. Minutes were approved.
Marvelle Hudson, Treasurer, gave the financial report. Marvelle was happy to report that a goal she set in 2005, when she became Treasurer, has been met and the PBCA now has a CD for over $100,000. Marvelle continues to emphasize that expenses are continuing to surpass income as donations are the sole source of income for the cemetery. Marvelle gave her resignation as Treasurer of the association. The crowd thanked Marvelle for her hard work over the years.
A motion to accept the financial report was made by Clifford Helm, seconded by Trey Mollenhour, with all agreeing. The financial report was approved.
Jessica thanked the board for meeting regularly to discuss important business matters, projects, and historical topics. Jessica invited Stanley Thomas to speak about the history of the cemetery. Stanley noted that the history of Preston Bend Cemetery dates back to the creation of the Shawnee Trail in 1836. Preston Bend Cemetery is very significant to Grayson County history.
Jessica explained all the projects that have been completed since last year including gate and fence repairs, new flagpole, updated gate signage and two new memorial benches.
Virginia Thompson took a moment to explain the reasoning behind the purchase of the memorial bench in memory of The Stroman family that generously donated their estate to the cemetery association. She also invited attendees to purchase memorial plaques for the second bench. After conversation regarding the wording of the Stroman Family bench, Dustin Helm made a motion to have Henry Stroman’s name added alongside Alice Stroman’s name on the bench. The motion was seconded by Benton Helm.
Jessica thanked the association for entrusting the board to make decisions through the year. Banking laws and regulations have changed, and paperwork has been signed and filed appropriately. Jessica noted that she will serve as President for one more year.
The board is working on preparing a budget that will be presented at next year’s meeting.
Trey Mollenhour, M&M Landscaping, spoke about his work in the cemetery and the passion he has for keeping the cemetery clean since he has been coming since he was a child. Many thanked him for a job well done and commented that “It hasn’t looked this good in many years.”
Jessica spoke about broken and leaning monuments. The board has budgeted $1,000/year toward monument repairs. Donations can be made specifically towards that fund.
A suggestion was made to enlarge the board. Jessica asked those in attendance to consider serving in the future. A motion was made by JoNell Helm to enlarge the board and add Jordan North and Terri Mollenhour Townsend, seconded by Stanley Thomas. None were opposed.
Benton Helm has asked to be removed from the board. A motion was made by Cecil Jones to remove Benton Helm from the board, seconded by Stanley Thomas. All in favor
The board has made a recommendation to remove Marvelle Hudson as Treasurer and have Virginia Thompson replace her as Treasurer. JoNell Helm made a motion to follow the board’s recommendation, seconded by Travis Helm. None were opposed.
Virginia made a motion to keep Marvelle on the board as a regular committee member, seconded by Clifford Helm. All in favor.
Special Recognition/Gift Certificates:
Oldest Man- Benton Helm (89); Oldest Woman- Betty Ruth Jones (99); Youngest Child- Molly Helm (3 years); Most Children present- Dustin and Andrea Helm (4); and Farthest Traveled- Cecil and Toza Jones (400 miles, Lubbock, Tx)
Door Prize Winners: Fletcher Helm, Jordan North, Cecil Jones, Terri Townsend, Fred Jones, Gatlin Helm, Cynthia Thomas, Toza Jones.
Jonell made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Virginia Thompson. The meeting was adjourned at 12:00.
Morgan Helm/ Secretary