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Preston Bend Association Meeting – May 1, 2021


The PBCA board members and officers met on May 1, 2021 at the home of Benton and Gladys Helm in Denison Texas.

In attendance: Jessica Adams, President; Marvelle Hudson, Treasurer; Clifford Helm, Benton and Gladys Helm, Stan and Cynthia Thomas and Virginia Thompson.

Absent: Steve Lindsey, VP; Morgan Helm, secretary; Travis Helm and Dustin Helm.


  1. The meeting was called to order at 2:42pm.

  2. Morgan Helm was not in attendance therefore no minutes were read.

Business and Reports:

  1. Marvelle Hudson gave an informal update on financial status.

  1. Checking acct and operations bal approx. $1700

  2. CDs will probably be automatically renewed – interest rates too low.

  3. Discussion ensued about number of CDs and balances – to be checked and verified.

  1. Update on Mowing – discussion of Request for bid from Trey Mollenhour (emails and phone calls) no response.

Island Mowing – Russ Haley has agreed to mow for $440 each time/as needed and determined between him and Jessica Adams. Extra costs for additional clean up, brush or limb removal etc. TBD

Motion to approve – Stan, 2nd – Virginia. All approved.

  1. Fence repair – some aspects of Fencing has been repaired. Not sure who completed the repairs.

Stan met with Fence Co. – no info. back for estimate. Stan will follow up again.

  1. All approved continuing with annual meeting this year on June 20, 2021. Covid Numbers in the county are down and many have been vaccinated so the consensus was basically to allow individuals to make the determination of attending or not.

Cynthia and Virginia will work on sending out announcements – cards in the mail, email, and announcements on FB and website.


  1. Marvelle requested 2 copies of Platt map from Virginia.

  2. Virginia requested again the list of those buried at Preston since 2014 when she completed the Platt map.

  3. Stan requested he go with Marvell to bank to observe when she checks on CDs and such.


Motion to Adjourn – Virginia, 2nd – Jessica  4:02pm

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