Preston Bend Cemetery
Preston Bend Cemetery Association Meeting 2022
The Preston Bend Cemetery Association held its 66th meeting at Preston Bend Cemetery on Sunday, Fathers’ Day, June 19th. There were 32 people in attendance.
Music by Betty Ruth Jones, Cecil Jones and Lois Riggs entertained the crowd.
The meeting was called to order at 10:45 by President, Jessica Adams.
An opening prayer was lead by Benton Helm.
Jessica welcome those in attendance.
Last years’ minutes were read by the secretary, Morgan Helm.
A motion was made to approve the minutes by Virginia Thompson and seconded by JoNell Helm. Minutes were approved.
Marvelle Hudson, Treasurer, gave the financial report.
Marvelle gave a descriptive account of a clerical error made by the bank during the merger of First United Bank/American Bank of Texas which resulted in 5 Certificates of Deposit’s being issued to Preston Bend Cemetery Association that belonged to another banking customer. The bank notified PBCA of the error with a letter and three board members visited the bank to discuss this matter in person and assure the error was corrected. Following that meeting, the First United Bank sent a second letter documenting acceptance of responsibility with a more extensive explanation of their mistake, the corrections made, and an apology. Both letters were appropriately filed by Marvelle.
All those who faithfully donate to the help maintain the cemetery were gratefully acknowledged. The Stroman and Holland families received special recognition for giving such large donations. Donations are accepted throughout the year and the only source of income for maintaining the cemetery.
A motion to accept the financial report was made by Cecil Jones, seconded by Stanley Thomas with all agreeing.
Obituaries were respectfully displayed and a record of the deceased for 2021-22 was presented by Marvelle Hudson. Deceased: John Grady Eubank, Ruth Vernelle Foster, Cynthia Kay Jackson, Michael Leach, Phyllis (Ciaccio) Lundgren, James Earl Mollenhour, Judy Sartor, Madison Sartor, Donald Thomas, Robert George Todd, Carolyn Hibbitt Alsup, Jon Hansen, Edward E. Schauer, Tom Johnson, and Lydia Pearl Adams.
Old Business:
The idea of a memorial, such as a stone, is still being explored to honor those who have supported the cemetery.
Fence repair and painting is still needed in some areas.
Last year, Benton Helm requested to be removed as a bank signer and made a motion appointing Stanley Thomas to replace him; motion approved. Members in attendance approved the board to appoint one other bank signer in addition to Stanley Thomas. This should be done within the next two months.
New Business:
Months ago, the board was contacted about the donation of a property from the family of Mrs. Alice Stroman. This was a very generous donation. Jessica Adams was thanked for the hard work that went into assisting with business of this transaction.
President, Jessica Adams, was contacted by someone asking about scattering ashes at the cemetery. The decision made regarding the matter was based the Rules of the Cemetery. Currently, Preston Bend Cemetery is a ‘bury only’ cemetery. However, the board is open to exploring the idea of a Scattering Garden in the future.
The mowing and maintenance have been taken care of by Island Mowing. Those in attendance were very pleased about the appearance of the cemetery. Trey Mollenhour, family of the Preston Bend Cemetery, came forward to share his interest in mowing the cemetery. He will be submitting a formal bid for the job. Stanley Thomas made a motion to table the topic while we wait for Mr. Mollenhour to submit his bid. This was seconded by Dustin Helm.
Again, members in attendance displayed trust by approving the board to make decisions concerning old and new cemetery business.
Special Recognition/Gift Certificates:
Oldest Man- Benton Helm (88); Oldest Woman- Betty Ruth Jones (98); Youngest Child- Molly Helm (2 years); Most Children present- Dustin and Andrea Helm (4); and Farthest Traveled- Cecil Jones (400 miles, Lubbock,Tx)
Door Prize Winners: Cynthia Thomas, Virgina Thompson, Sherry Chasteen, Fred Hudson, Hazel Winkle, Teresa Manning, Clifford Helm, Wesleigh Broughton and Benton Helm.
A blessing was led by Benton Helm, followed by lunch and fellowship.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Morgan Helm/ Secretary
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